Friday, March 20, 2009

They ask and mom delivers

Any one that knows me knows that if my kids ask me to make something no matter how bad it turns out they love it and mom delivers.

First off the beginnings of Makayla's poodle skirt. You do have to remember this this the most complex clothing that I have made. I have altered different clothing items to make costumes for Maranda for plays that she has been in. I also made a few shirts and pants for dolls but thats the extent of it. I could not get the ribbon to turn right to make loops for the leash but of course Makayla doesn't care and loves her skirt so far

This next piece was actually the first I made with Poylmer clay and I made it a couple of months ago. It was actually for my Kenny Ben's birthday April 28th but he was home sick yesterday and was helping me make the next item and said he really wanted me to make him something so I had to give it to him. You can see some of the wire I used to make the post goal and I think I did a terrible job on it but he loves it. It is now housed on his shelf next to last seasons Football trophy.

The other day David came to me and wanted an "Otto the Orange" to take to school today to give to a teacher that does not like SU basketball. Yes that doesn't like it. David and his teacher make posters and does other stuff to this other teachers door and classroom and he does the same with his favorite team to thier classroom. So off to school my son went all in Orange complete with an Orange sock and a Blue sock, and this which I don't think turned out too bad I do wish I had did a couple things different like add the arms before I baked them but with something else I made those pieces tend to break. I will get it sometime.

First off with my inspiration.

And finally a little closer up, I really think I did somewhat of a good resemblance


jackfrosty said...

Great Job, Kim! Too Cute!