Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Starting doll clothes for my niece and I think I have an idea

Here is the first almost finished dress for my Miss Emma's clotheing for her cabbage patch doll I just need to find my velcro that I know is somewhere on the not seen kitchen table which is full of started crafts that need to be finished today. Hopeing to get them finished to reclaim the kitchen table.

This weekend my nefhew Caleb gave a request his friend has a car play mat that has houses and buildings that you can drive your cars into. The buildings stick to the mat with this white stuff (hmm Caleb its called Velcro) Aunt Kimmy do you think that you can make me one of those. Yes Caleb anything you ask of me I can try to make for you. He does have a birthday coming up at the end of August. I am thinking of useing these boxes as the base of the houses with some felt, oh I am sure some more boxes too will be used so that he has a varity of houses and buildings.